Aluminum Framing Square 16 In. x 24 In.
Lay out and mark accurate lines for all framing angles with the IRWIN® 16-Inch x 24-Inch Aluminum Framing Square. The carpenter square contains all important linear angle scales and tables, with clearly marked graduations on the blade and tongue of the square. Rafter tables on the Irwin framing square let you calculate the rise and run of rafters and their length. An Essex board table lets you calculate the amount of lumber needed in board feet. Brace tables calculate the length of braces for right angles. The Irwin aluminum framing square also contains 1/8-, 1/10-, 1/12- and 1/16-inch scales, as well as an octagon scale. Use the square to measure and determine stairway risers and treads, to mark lines and determine square, to guide straight-edge razor cuts or to determine whether panels and boards are flat. The 16 x 24-inch framing square tool consists of thick-gauge, high-grade aluminum that resists warping and stands up to the rigors of the job site.
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